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What do I need to study for the Technical Check-in?

These list of topics:

  • data types
  • arrays and objects
  • loops and iteration
  • conditionals
  • functions
  • higher-order functions
  • callbacks
  • closures

These are topics you should be familiar with for the Technical Check-in:

  • explicit vs implicit coercion
  • statements vs expressions
  • scope
  • various array, object, and string methods and what they return
  • working with arrays / objects without mutating them
  • dot notation vs bracket notation
  • pass by value vs pass by reference
  • function declarations vs function expressions
  • for/in vs for/of

What do I need to study for the Technical Check-in?

These list of topics:

  • data types
  • arrays and objects
  • loops and iteration
  • conditionals
  • functions
  • higher-order functions
  • callbacks
  • closures

These are topics you should be familiar with for the Technical Check-in:

  • explicit vs implicit coercion
  • statements vs expressions
  • scope
  • various array, object, and string methods and what they return
  • working with arrays / objects without mutating them
  • dot notation vs bracket notation
  • pass by value vs pass by reference
  • function declarations vs function expressions
  • for/in vs for/of