earn some tips for getting your Blender models into your Unity game project so you can spend your Global Game Jam creating, not troubleshooting.
This session will cover:
- importing models into Unity
- importing materials and textures
- saving time with batch exporting
- fixing common problems and Yours is here.
* This event is also open to those not participating in the Global Game Jam.
BlenderのモデルをUnityのゲームプロジェクトに取り込むためのヒントを学び、Global Game Jamでトラブルシューティングではなく、制作に専念できるようにしましょう。
- Unityへのモデルのインポート
- マテリアルとテクスチャのインポート
- バッチエクスポートで時間を節約する
- よくある問題の解決
Learn some tips for getting your Blender models into your Unity game project so you can spend your Global Game Jam creating, not troubleshooting.