

Web Performance tooling - an overview of tools to measurement
Core Web Vitals - what are these, how to optimise for them
Common JavaScript patterns and their applications for web performance

* Web Performance tooling: we'll delve into the most common tools that can be used to measure website performance focusing on different aspects of the site.
* Core Web Vitals: we'll take a look at the three (soon to be four) CWV metrics and learn how to optimise your site for them.
* Common JavaScript patterns: Can you rely on modern Web APIs? Should you transpile your JavaScript? What about using some of the latest features of JS? We'll take a look at some performance optimisation options for your JavaScript and also take a look at what the future holds for the language that (everyone?) loves on the web.

By attending this workshop you will have the opportunity to learn some of the most important aspects of web performance and apply the knowledge straight away to any project that you are working on today.


Tamas is a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies and a Developer Experience Engineer. He has more than a decade of experience delivering technical training to large, prestigious organisations. He is passionate about unlocking the latest & greatest features of web development.

Who is this for?

January 24, 2023
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Code Chrysalis: Coding Bootcamp in Tokyo

We are excited to invite you all to the upcoming workshop collaborating with Cloudinary, which will be held on January 24th, 2023 in the heart of Tokyo.

Register hereお申し込みはこちらRegister here