Racism. Sexism. Homophobia. Transphobia. Within our own communities, these concepts are not new—but the 2020 pandemic has shone a spotlight on these issues.
It was only February of this year that Prime Minister Kishida’s aide said he “didn’t even want to look at” same-sex married couples.
But surely, we’re not like that. We make technology to make the world better, not hurt it.
Well, there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is the technology that we make is not immune to our human biases, and we all have biases. The good news is we can change this. With a bit of courage and humility, we can take the next step into a new frontier of universal design—technology that can be useful to everyone, regardless of their race, ability, identity or sexual orientation.In this 2-hour interactive session, participants will explore together common types of biases in technology and tackle difficult conversations around product design and development decisions.
It will be led by CJ Hostetter (they/them), a designer with ten years of experience in UX design who identifies as nonbinary.
This workshop will take place in person and be centered around small-group discussions tailored to digging in deep and sharing personal predicaments around bias in tech.
UXデザインで10年の経験を持ち、ノンバイナリーを自認するデザイナー、CJ Hostetter (they/them)がワークショップを行います。
18:45 開場
19:00 - 19:15: ショートトーク: 技術的なマイクロアグレッション」とは何か?どうやって見分けるのか?
19:15 - 19:35: グループディスカッション: 正直さと思いやりをもって偏見に対処する方法
19:35 - 19:55:グループディスカッション: 間違ってしまったときの正直なフィードバックの受け方
19:55 - 20:10 休憩
20:10 - 20:40: リアルライフ・シナリオ: 製品をインクルーシブにするためにできる小さな行動
20:40 質疑応答とまとめ
Racism. Sexism. Homophobia. Transphobia. Within our own communities, these concepts are not new—but the 2020 pandemic has shone a spotlight on these issues.