What Does Career Support Look Like at Code Chrysalis?

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One of the most common questions we get asked is about what Career Support is like at Code Chrysalis. If you’re wondering what kind of support you’ll receive as a student of the Immersive Program you’ve come to the right place.

1. During the Program

Our trained and experienced Career Advisors are there to support you from day 1. You will have the opportunity speak with them during the program to discuss your intentions and begin receiving feedback from in preparation for your job hunt. The Career Support portion of the program consists of building your Online Branding from Week 1, followed by a series of lectures from Week 7.


Job Hunt Lectures begin in Week 7 of the Immersive Program. You’ll gain the most up-to-date trends in the job hunt market and build crucial skills and techniques to succeed your search. Below are topics we’ll cover:

  • How to write an engineer resume and cover letter that actually work
  • How to effectively introduce yourself during interviews
  • Common hiring processes of technical positions
  • Techniques to ace challenging interview questions
  • Technical assessments and what to do about them
  • Salary negotiations - Why you should and how
  • Latest trends in the job search market and alumni statistics

Resume and Cover Letter Feedback

After you have learned how to write an excellent engineer resume, you’ll have the chance to begin creating your own. This is the same for cover letters - yes, we do tell our students cover letter are an essential part of making the job search successful. Even if you have no experience writing one or don’t feel confident in your writing, we’ve got you covered. After you have completed the draft of your resume and cover letter, you’ll receive individualized feedback from your Career Advisor. Our goal is to help you set yourself up for success during the job hunt.

One-on-one Consultation with Career Advisors

Throughout the program you have a chance to sit down and speak with a Career Advisor. At the consultation you can bring any concerns or questions you’re currently having about the job-hunt and life after the program. This is a special moment during the program where you can take a step back from immersing yourself in all the technical challenges to see the path you are on. As you get into the second half of the program the consultations will also help understand what kind of technologies you’ll want to use to create your next project.

2. After Graduation

Once you’re done with the program, this is where the fun begins! There will be a dedicated Career Advisor assigned to you who will help you in every step of the way to get to your goal. Here are things that make Code Chrysalis Career Support so effective:

Custom Advice from Dedicated Career Advisors

During the job search you’ll most likely have questions that are specific to your situation. As a graduate, you will always get feedback and there’s no limit on how often you can seek for help. You’ll be in touch with them on Slack and email. Here are some examples of FAQs from graduates:

  • I got contacted by a recruiter. How should I respond to them?
  • I have other responsibilities. How do I manage my time with the job-hunt?
  • What do you think about the cover letter I wrote?
  • This position requires 2 years of experience. Can apply for it?
  • What should I say if the interviewer asks me about my salary expectations?
  • How do I prepare for my next interview?

Job Check-ins

The job search can be pretty overwhelming when you have so many things to worry about like, applying to companies, studying for interviews, and keeping your technical knowledge sharp. To maintain focus and help you get to your goal, Code Chrysalis’ Career Support comes with regular Job Check-ins. In these one-on-one sessions, your dedicated Career Advisor will help give structure to your job search by listening to your progress and challenges. Each session will typically end with a mutually agreed-upon list of actionable items, taking your individual situation into consideration.

Mock Interviews

Do you have an interview soon and need a hand on getting ready? We’ve got you covered! You are free to schedule mock technical and non-technical interviews to get specific feedback on areas you can improve on and areas you’re doing great.

Salary Negotiation Support

Talking about money can be the most daunting and challenging part people find about the job search but at Code Chrysalis, we highly encourage our graduates to negotiate their compensation. Your Career Advisor will assist you in structuring your salary expectations and prepare you for the conversation before it takes place. After receiving a job offer, you will also have a meeting with them to discuss potential negotiation points and determine how to achieve your desired outcome.

Lifetime Career Support

Code Chrysalis’ Career Support extends well beyond the job search stage. As a graduate, you can reach out to Career Support at any time for help navigating your situation. Common topics graduates ask about include how to handle performance reviews, ask for a raise, and plan their careers. When you decide it's time to start a new job search, you can request ongoing Career Support. During a consultation with Career Support, you can discuss your current situation and your goals for your next job search. Once the support begins, you will receive all the benefits of the initial Career Support, such as custom advice, job check-ins, mock interviews, and salary negotiation support.


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約3カ月で自走するエンジニアを育て、開発を内製化へ 〜大手通信企業、銀行などが参加する研修とは?〜

この研修は、約3カ月かけて最新のウェブ開発で使われている技術やフレームワークに加え、テスト駆動開発(TDD)など、フロントエンドからバックエンドまでをカバーするITスキルと、エンジニアに必要なプレゼンや、アジャイル開発のスキルなどを身につけられるシリコンバレー式。最後にはMVP(Minimum Viable Product、実用最小限の製品・機能)を作ってプレゼンまで行う、とにかく実務に即した内容が特徴です。

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【企業向け研修】 新入社員研修インタビュー i3DESIGN Co.,Ltd.様のお声

『学びながら大切なことを再認識できた研修』 今回は、2024年度 新入社員研修プログラムを導入していただいた株式会社アイスリーデザイン様に、コースを受講した前後の変化などについてお聞きしました。 新入社員研修プログラムとは、 目覚ましくIT技術が進化していく時代で、チームや企業の目標に合わせた最新のエンジニアリングスキルセットをそなえた人材に育てる第一歩としての提供する新入社員へ向けたプログラミング研修です。

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【企業向け研修】オープンコースインタビュー PCA株式会社:受講者様

今回は、企業向け研修プログラムの他企業合同で​受講可能な​『オープンコース』を導入していただいたPCA株式会社の方に、本コースを受講した前後の変化などについてお聞きしました。 オープンコースとは、 目覚ましくIT技術が進化していく時代で、既存のエンジニアの社員をチームや企業の目標に合わせた最新のエンジニアリングスキルセットをそなえた人材に育てるプログラミング研修です。また、従来の​アップスキリングコースの​課題でも​あった​人数制限や​費用の​改善を​加え、​より​多くの​方​々に​機会を​ご提供できる​プログラムになっております。